Automatic Door Opener with security
A fun little project that saved myself time and hassle with keys was a finger print scanner door opener. The project used an Atmega328p DIP package 8 bit microcontroller to drive an OLED and run a geared motor with a PID controller. Additionally a finger print scanner that transmitted over serial was used for user verification.
Here is a short gif of the door reading a valid user and opening
Version 2 of this opener was made due to relocation to a different dorm that had different door handles. Improvements were made over the first version to the control panel and the mechanism. A cam was used instead and provided much more controllable torque. A larger, touch screen lcd was used instead of a small OLED. This allowed more interaction between the door and the user. Configuration could be made on the door without reprogramming through the use of the touch screen lcd. Another addition was the implementation of RFID. A small RFID reader was added that communicated over Serial. Users could add RFID cards to the door to allow permanent or temporary access the the room.
The finger print scanner can be seen on the bottom right in blue. The RFID scanner is in the bottom left represented by a square.
Below is the final version of the control panel printed on my Form 2 SLA printer in clear resin.
A 20 wire ribbon cable is used to connect to an aruduino mega and uno for processing.
Additionally, the control panel has wireless capabilities to other door openers. This was implemented because my dorm has two doors that need to be opened to get to my room. The idea is that the control panel is on the first door and when I authenticate myself and open the first door, the second door will automatically open knowing that I am about to open it anyway. A final mechanism that will need to be added will be an arm that can physically open the door from a shut position to ease with situations where it is inconvenient to push/pull the door open (hands full with robot stuff/food).